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Why Volunteer?
Festival Perks: Volunteers get access to speaker events, the welcome reception, special events, and the Survivor’s Party.
Registration Bonus: Planning to join an RGVBF Field Trip or Phototrack seminar? Indicate your interest on the volunteer form, and you’ll receive a one-time code to waive the festival registration fee but not the cost of the trip or seminar. Be sure to complete the form before August 24th to get your code before registration opens.

How to Sign Up:
Complete the volunteer form by clicking the "register to volunteer" button below.

Important Dates:
August 24th: Registration opens
November 6-10: Festival dates.

Your support is crucial for the smooth running of the festival. Please share this opportunity with others who might be interested. Thank you for your generosity!
For any questions, feel free to contact me using the contact form below.
Let’s make this festival unforgettable together! 
Sylvia Canales
RGVBF Volunteer Chair​​​​​​​
Have Questions?
Thank you!
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